Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Should "Real Authors" Steer Clear of Self-Publishing?

 A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about self-publishing vs. traditional publishing. I’m not counting traditional publishing out by any means, but I dislike all the brouhaha that is going on which seems to express indignation on the part of the publishers in reference to self-publishers. In short, I thought publishers were coming across as desperate, whiny and immature.

But then I read a blog post by author Jody Hedlund on the subject and she made some valid points. She is definitely pro-traditional publishing, saying, “The truth is, self-publishing marketing is NOT equal to the marketing done by traditional publishers. For all the talk about how ALL authors everywhere have to bear ALL the burden of marketing, it’s just NOT true.” I was initially shocked by that definitive statement and immediately felt rebellious! Lol But I continued to read and I’m glad I did!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

As a Writer, What Fiction Should I Be Reading?

       You know, two of my high school classmates (that I know of…that I’m still friends with…) are writers. When I first started connecting with people online a few years ago, I was stunned and amazed at their pursuit of the writerly profession. A little intimidated. Ok, maybe a tad jealous.

One, I will call E, she writes historical fiction and writes a fabulous blog: professional, thoughtful, intellectual. I wanted to be her. I felt like I was in high school again, striving to be in with the cool kids. She read intellectual fare and I, at first, thought, “Is this what I should be reading? Is this what good writers read?” Shouldn’t I love Faulkner, quote from Yeats, memorize Whitman? (I’ve been reading the poetry issue of O, Magazine!) I’ve never read Austen (although I love “her” movies! Lol), never owned a Sylvia Plath or read Ayn Rand or Tolstoy.....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Post Showcase: Will OnSwipe be the Mobile Publishing Platform... ?

Copyblogger site

I am a gadget girl.  I love trying new things, hitting the buttons, muttering "now, what does this do??" 
So when my daily copy of copyblogger appeared in my email box, I was intrigued to see this headline:
Will OnSwipe be the Mobile Publishing Platform of Choice for the New Influencers?  Of course, anything that has the word "publsihing" in it catches my eye!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blog Showcase: StoryADay

StoryADay is this wonderful little place that is crammed full of goodies!  Not unlike what I hope to do (although more focused and, if you can believe it, even more organized than I!) this site offers help, inspiration, spurring-on, groups, challenges and resources.  I believe I was sucked in accidentally on Twitter, when someone re-Tweeted something they had posted and I checked it out.  Their current post: How To Become An Insanely Productive Writer...I mean, who doesn't want to know that??  Good stuff here!

Also, a heads up and perfect timing: their Story a Day May is coming up!  You write a story a day, as many words (or as few) as you'd like!  This is like writing bootcamp, I believe the author refers to it as! lol Keeps your mind and your story muscles working!  I'm not sure if I have enough time (i.e. I'm brave enough!!) to try it but I encourage all you young single types to go right ahead! ;) 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Creative Theming: Birthdays

So how do you feel about birthdays?  Love 'em? Hate 'em? Ignore 'em?  What do you think about?  A particularly aweome one or a particularly hideous one?  Do you remember the gifts or the people?
What are your favorite things about birthdays? (ok, except for the gifts people!)
Take it and run peeps!! :) Have fun! Write, draw, photograph and meet me back here! Getting some sort of linking tool set up soon!

Image credit:  di_the_huntress
p.s. I totally have an ulterior motive: my bday is March 7th, so naturally, whenever I think of March, I think of birthdays!!  My niece's is St. Patty's day, so March is the month my friends! :)

Technical Difficulties---POOF!-- all gone!

Thanks for all the feedback and help guys! :)  Everything should be functioning properly now!  No more pop-up comment box either, it was taking forever to load!
More updates coming tomorrow!
Check out the new link to the uber-cool Art Project powered by Google down near my links---it is a picture link.  I have my own "collection" started and it should take you right to it! 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Please Excuse Me...

...but I seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties!  First it was just when you clicked on a post title, the comments were riding up and overlapping!  If that wasn't annoying enough, now my posts are overlapping each other!! GGGRRRRRRRRRR. 
Trust me, I am working on it, have been all week and hopefully will have some html help on Sunday.  Anyone that can help, let  me know please!! This just abruptly started happening this week, I cannot figure out what is happening!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Article Response: Do Authors Make Good Publishers?

I just finished reading "Do Authors Make Good Publishers?" on e-reads.  Although it is two months old, I was a little flabbergasted.  Richard Curtis seems to think the answer to that is "no."


Has anyone heard of Amanda Hocking? I started reading  her in December right before, literally about two weeks, before her books exploded in popularity and she sold over 100,000 books in one month!  I have managed to be able to touch base with her now and again on Twitter and on her blog.  She was rejected many times by literary agents and publishers and so frustrated was she, she published on her own with Amazon, Smashwords and B&N. She is now a self-made millionare in less than a year at the age of 26!
Most of Mr. Curtis's argument stems from the fact that he believes an editor, PR, cover art and formatting of the ebook material to just be too overwhelming and would prohibit the author from doing what they do best, which is writing.  It's far too complicated for just one person to handle and hey, you are the writer, you should be writing, right?  Don't let these other things take you away from that!

Whatever, dude. 

I have read a TON on publishing and its process.  I can tell you this:  it's time consuming whether you have help or not!  If you are the author, it doesn't matter whether you are scheduling and planning your own local bookstore tour or if the publisher gives you a book tour budget (highly unlikely as a first time writer and less likely as time goes on even for even established writers...) you as the author still have to do all the schmoozing, the standing, the signing, the picture posing and the traveling.  You, as the author, still have to participate in the interviews, fill out the email questionnaires, answer the phone calls and skype with the big contacts all while reading other authors so you can blurb for them as a courtesy for them blurbing for you.
When you are publishing a book, there is work involved.  Don't act like once we finish a book, our work is done, Mr. Curtis.

And don't act like you are invaluable.  It sounds like the publishing industry is desperately grabbing at straws as they see their meal tickets sliding away when once these same authors clamored for the publishing industry's attention.  We would agonize over who we were sending our precious manuscripts to and the literary agents had so much reading material, there are rumors of stacks two and three feet high of slush.
It sounds more like the publishing industry is miffed that there is a new kid and they are no longer the popular ones.

I understand Mr. Curtis does not speak for the whole of the publishing world; he is not their voted on spokesperson.  However, he is obviously a publishing insider and one wonders how many others share his view.  This is rapidly turning into an us vs. them issue, rather then a "there is no 'I' in 'team'" type mentality.  How dare we try to go off and do it on our own? The publishing process is sacrosanct and all the professionals involved are necessary players that absolutely must be involved in the process.

I've always been an independent spirit.  I'm not one for burning my bridges but I am in the process of completing my first manuscript and I will be thinking long and hard about the route I'd like to take!  

Publishing: Book Bloggers Can Help Sell Your Book...

I just came across this article on the "Alan Rinzler: Consulting Editor" blog, about the book blogger/author relationship.  It's a great article whether you are (or want to be) a book blogger or if you are (or want to be!) and author.  Just like Pump Up Your Book!, this is another way for authors to get the word out without a PR person.  You can certainly contact book bloggers on your own.  Thanks to Amanda Hocking  (twitter: @Amanda_Hocking), whose books I have read and cannot wait for more, for pointing this article out....of course, it mentions her, so that's why she knew about it! ;)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Publishing: Pump Up Your Book!

There has been great debate lately about the effectiveness of a traditional book tour.  Unless you're a NYT best seller, the publishers are generally not giving you a book tour budget!  You'll be lucky to get a press budget at all!  Most authors do it themselves nowadays and of course, hiring a PR person is expensive.  However, without one, how far can you realistically get?

I literally stumbled upon (no pun intended!) this site, Pump Up Your Book!,  that promotes your book with a variety of tools including an Online Book Tour! What a cool idea! They have a variety of packages.  I can't help but think that this group is right on the money!  I'm definitely bookmarking them for future use!  Their services include a book tour banner just for you, stops at 20 highly trafficked book blogs, many of which are syndicated.  Depending on your package choice, you could have a personalized tour page, book trailer created and more!  Prices range from $399-$799.  They also have a presence on Facebook, just click on their icon to get to that page. 


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