Monday, February 28, 2011

tea & ink: Now Available on Kindle!!

I am slowly but surely getting things together on tea & ink, but it's a lot of work, especially when I'm still trying to post regularly on both blogs, participate in a blog challenge and contribute to other blogs!! lol 

I have added the ability to add links and pics (I LOVE being able to showcase a picture of something so you know what I'm talking about!) via Amazon. 

I have added tea & ink to networked blogs, via Facebook, for another way to get your tea & ink fix!

And finally, I have added tea & ink to the Kindle, so you can get it and tote it around with you! :)  LaLa Land is also available on Kindle!  

If you would be so kind as to contribute a review of either or both of my blogs on amazon, I would be immensely grateful!  After all, good reviews beget more readers!  And nobody likes to feel like they're writing to nobody! lol  

Writing Prompt: One Pet Peeve That Shouldn't Drive You Crazy....

...but it does!!

My husband does not prepare for anything. Ever.

I should have realized this would be an issue when he arrived at the church and realized neither he nor his brother, the best man, had the rings. (Really, red light here! His BROTHER forgot too?? Obviously a genetic misfire!)

I am an anal retentive planner who always has what’s next swirling through my head. And honestly, if you follow my process, I try to make my life as easy and routine oriented as possible. (in other words, just do what I tell you and everything will go smoothly!).

I’m not a control freak, really I’m not (I see your skeptically raised eyebrows!).

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Interro--what?!

Ever heard of the interrobang?  Me neither!  A fellow blogger (which one now escapes me, I'm sorry!) mentioned in her post she wished she could "interrobang" and I thought, "she wha--?"  Luckily she provided a link! :) Smart woman. 

According to wiki (which we all know is NOT a reliable and true source when doing real research, right?....right??) an interrobang is "a nonstandard punctuation mark used in various written languages and intended to combine the functions of the question mark (also called the “interrogative point”) and the exclamation mark or exclamation point (known in printers’ jargon as the “bang”). The glyph is a superimposition of these two marks."  

It's a question mark superimposed over an exclamation point, people.

How cool is that?!!

Image credit:  

Busy Women and Writing

I belong to SheWrites (I know, I know, my arms ache from how stretched out I am!) and this very interesting article caught my eye, as I'm always interested in the whole mom/woman/writer connection!  Enjoy!

Pink and Blue Diaries:
Posted by The Pink and Blue Diaries on February 25, 2011 at 5:30am

Deborah Siegel mashes up YOUR wisdom.

One thing I've long loved about She Writes is the intergenerational breadth of its membership. My post last Friday on Book/Life fit elicited confident wisdom from women writers who have been there, done that; tentative nuggets, based on trial and error, from many of us on the road to figuring it out; and one wisely skeptical nugget from fellow She Writer and cultural commentator Katha Pollitt, who wrote:

“[M]ale writers don't write these articles about how busy they are. They don't feel guilty if they do their work. They simply claim the time and the family has to deal with it.”

Read the rest on SheWrites--->

I am a Technorati Writer!!

Article first published as Not Enough Women in UK Board Rooms on Technorati

*horns blaring*

My first article is UP on Technorati!! Go check me out, it looks all professional and such!!
It is about a report put out about UK boardrooms and their lack of female directors and what they recommend be done about it!

Look at me, all newsie and whatnot!
Now that my blogs are falling neatly into line and the design is coming together, more writing, less blogging lulls, ok? ok!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February Creative Theming

In case you missed it, this month's theme is LOVE. 

That means, send me your photos, your haikus, your stream of consciousness, your whatever!  It has to be on love.  However, it can be on ANYthing about love.  Maybe it's more "love hurts" for you, rather than "sticky sweet love" or "humma humma love" or even "my adorable family love."  That's ok.  Whatever strikes you about the word love, give me some output!  It's like word association!  I say LOVE!  You say......

You have until midnight, February 28th before I close up shop on this theme and move on to the next one.

March is Birthday month.  Send me a creative item on birthdays.  Are they nostalgic?  Does one stand out?  Is there a particular item that screams "birthday" at you?   A funny rhyming poem on how age is just a number?  A photo of a brand new baby on their day of birth?  See? Lots of options! :) Can't wait to see 'em!

Creative Theming Details.....

Over under my Labels or Categories, you'll see the themes listed by month, directing you to the original post.
Send me your entry via email and I will add it to the body of the post for the month.
I will include your name and a link to your blog or website, where I encourage you to post it as well.

Please take a copy of the Creative Theming button {coming soon!!} on the home page of my site for your own site or blog or for each Creative Theming item and link it back to me.

Why am I not using Linky tools or some other such device?

Because I thought it would look cool to see all the creations one after another in one post. However, if I begin to get a ton of responses and it becomes too much for me, I'll add linky tools. If just kind of sucks to have to travel to a bunch of different sites to see the entries is all!

Here is a running list of the monthly themes:

February: Love

March: Birthdays

April: Cliff (as in a drop-off, an edge)









Please Ignore This Weird Post too!

You don't need this!  Technorati does! put it back! Thank you!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Creative Theming!!

I am hoping for a variety of artists and writers to tackle this!**  :) 

Over under my Labels or Categories, you'll see the themes listed by month, directing you to the original post.

Send me your entry via email and I will add it to the body of the post for the month.

I will include your name and a link to your blog or website, where I encourage you to post it as well.

Please take a copy of the Monthly Themes button {coming soon!!} on the home page of my site for your own site or blog and link it back to me.

*Why am I not using Linky tools or some other such device or software or tool
(or whatever you categorize that as??) ?*

Because I thought it would look cool to see all the creations one after another in one post. However, if I begin to get a ton of responses and it becomes too much for me, I'll add linky tools. If just kind of sucks to have to travel to a bunch of different sites to see the entries is all!

Here is a running list of the monthly themes:
February: Love
March: Birthdays
April: Cliff (as in a drop-off, an edge)

A static page with directions will be available here and at the top of my blog as a tab.

Any kind of (non-offensive) artwork will be taken.

**It is at my sole discretion to reject anything that I don't approve or that I feel doesn't well represent tea & ink. (sorry I have to say that, but I do!)
All copyright will be retained by the artist to use and re-use as often as s/he likes.
I just want permission to post it here! :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Calling All Creatives!!

I wanted to do something on a regular basis here on tea & ink that would be fun and help build a community here.  And you know what I thought of? (of course you don't, cuz I'm the only one in my head....most days)

I remembered a story I read of a guy who attended comic con every year (Comic Book Convention for those who don't know!).  He always took a fresh sketch notebook, a smallish one, and asked the artists that he talked to to sketch him something.  He said he found that most were very obliging but complained about having to come up with something on their own, with a line of people waiting.  So he came up with themes!  Every year at comic con, he would go home with a sketchbook full of sketches by some of the best comic book artists in the industry, all on one theme.  I remember he said one year, he told them all, "cliff."  Some drew people jumping, falling, pulling people back up, shoving people over the edge, scaling with a rope, scanning the horizon--he had some examples there in the article.  So cool! :)

So I thought I'd do the same thing here, but not just a writing prompt:
what does my one-word prompt inspire in you?
A blog post?
A photo?
A sketch?
Maybe a poem?
Anything you'd like! :)

Now, Imma gonna make up a list of possible themes and we'll do one for each month. 
Then I'll get all set the way in which people will add them to my blog! :)
Get brainstormin' people--send me your theme suggestions! :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop Prompt

Describe the last thing that made you laugh really hard.

I couldn’t pinpoint the last time I’d laughed really hard.  Probably with my mom and my sisters; we all have the same snarky sense of humor and usually laugh ourselves breathless. 

While I’m thinking on it, I’m perusing twitter and I checked what my “friend” ( I say “friend” because really, I follow her on twitter and tweet her sometimes and she answers me back but otherwise does not know I’m alive! Lol) Amanda Hocking is doing.  She’s an author and she’s retweeted something: a link to and I chuckle, because I know my younger sister is always cursing the autocorrect on her cell phone. 

So I click on it.

And proceed to guffaw, shriek, snort, scream with laughter, and pound the table until I snot-cried.  Seriously.  I laughed so hard, tears ran down my cheeks in abundance, taking all my make-up with it. 

I can’t even tell you what any of them were, they were all dirty! Yes, every one contained some word that I would hesitate to write here, but was a mistake for another word.  Ok, wait, I found ONE, both sides of the text:

“…..idk, I just got so fed up with her immaturity and flipped Pittsburgh on her.”

“flipped out* bhaaaa”

“hahah Pittsburgh is a lot of s#@t to flip on someone!”

I don’t know why, but I nearly peed reading that.  I was hysterical, I tell you!

But you know, especially when you spend a lot of time alone, it’s good to laugh.  Really good.   And to have something funny to share, instead of always contacting people because something bad is going on (i.e. I’ve seen a plethora of tweets on Egypt, for example) is refreshing.  When I worked with Mary Kay, they always used to say, "When a customer has a good experience,  they tend to keep it to themselves.  When they have a bad experience, they tell 10 people."  Same idea, so why not pass around some funny this time? 

So go check out and be prepared to laugh your butt off!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog Showcase: Copyblogger

copyblogger by Brian Clark

This site is awesome!! Already love it! :)  I was directed there originally because I clicked on a link about grammar mistakes that make you look stupid, and I found a WEALTH of information.  I cannot wait to start reading!! I may have to limit myself to one a day!


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